Monday, January 7, 2013

Great Pyramid at Giza Painting Debuts for Auction

David Hockney, "Great Pyramid at Giza with Broken Head from Thebes," 1963. (Courtesy Christie's)
David Hockney, “Great Pyramid at Giza with Broken Head from Thebes,” 1963. 
(Courtesy Christie’s)

David Hockney, everyone’s favorite cigarette enthusiast, will see his 1963 painting, Great Pyramid at Giza with Broken Head from Thebes, appear at auction for the first time ever at the postwar and contemporary sale this February at Christie’s London.

The painting, pictured here, was inspired by Mr. Hockney’s first trip to Egypt at the age of 26. It has been part of “an important British collection” for 40 years. It’s estimated at £2.5 million to £3.5 million ($4.1 million to $5.7 million).

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To learn more about an amazing fine art exhibition, please visit Love Unlimited Film Festival and Art Exhibition.

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