Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Casting for "Franny and Zooey"

Casting Call: J. D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey

There were seven extraordinary children in the Glass family. Seymour was the eldest, then came Buddy, Boo Boo, the twins: Walt and Waker, and finally, Franny and Zooey. Each, a remarkable mind and protégé in his or her own right, was, for a time, a fixture on a fictional radio show aptly titled It’s a Wise Child. Imagine “The Royal Tenenbaums” dedicated to fierce wit, rather than whimsy.

The year is 1955. Both Walt and Seymour have died, leaving deep scratches in the fragile Glass house. Zooey Glass — short for Zachary Martin Glass — is a young man of twenty-five. “Close up, either full-face or in profile, he [is] surpassingly handsome, even spectacularly so … [a] blue-eyed Jewish-Irish Mohican scout who died in your arms at the roulette table at Monte Carlo.” He is outwardly clever and biting, perhaps more so than any of the family members, and suitably, an actor. His more fervid reality, like so many of Salinger’s characters, is internal.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair.

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