Thursday, January 3, 2013

"Breaking Bad" Fan Expresses Admiration Through Lifelike Drawings

Breaking Bad Drawings - H 2012

Rick Fortson lives a long way from Hollywood, but he still gets the opportunity to hobnob with some of his favorite TV stars. Fortson has spent hours crafting lifelike pencil drawings of his favorite celebrities, including a number of stars of AMC’s Breaking Bad.

“I’m not looking for fame or money,” Fortson tells The Hollywood Reporter. “Since Breaking Bad is one of my all-time favorite shows, it’s fun to pay tribute.”

The stirring drawings have become fan letters of sorts, with Fortson contacting actors through Twitter as well as their representatives to get the artwork into their hands.

“I drew my first Breaking Bad right after season three or so,” says Fortson, who works as a real estate agent in the Chicago area. Not long after, he ran into Aaron Paul at a small concert Fortson’s son was playing at the Hard Rock Cafe.

“My daughter said, ‘Hey, there’s that Jesse Pinkman guy sitting over there.' ” Fortson introduced himself and got to talk to Paul for a bit. Fortson eventually got Paul his portrait through the mail and was rewarded with a picture of the actor holding it up. He's kept in touch and was contacted by Paul's sister before Christmas with a request for a portrait to give to their parents, which he obliged.

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To learn more about an amazing fine art exhibition, please visit Love Unlimited Film Festival and Art Exhibition.

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