Thursday, December 12, 2013

Spilled Secrets on Casting Auditions

You started with acting, but stuck with casting instead; what is your favorite part of casting?
It’s fun when you get to hire somebody for a role, especially if it’s someone that you have been tracking for a while, who you groomed and brought in over the years. Getting to call the agent and tell them they got the part is the best part; when it all works out, that’s a good day of casting.

Have you had actors that you’ve really championed?
Actors have to make casting directors their fans, and we have to make the client (producing director) a fan of the actor; it’s a gradual process and doesn’t happen overnight. There are many actors that I love and fight for. The challenging thing is that I don’t want to shove my opinion down a director or studio executive’s throat. Casting is like bartending: My job is to present the choices to the creative team and hope the director/producers like the choices.

To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

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