Thursday, October 17, 2013

Audition Reels Might Soon be the Key Factor

Performers used to have one shot to nail their audition in a studio, but we are now in an age of technology in which actors looking to break into the business may be smart to first shine on the smallest of screens.

Online video has quickly become the popular way for stage actors to be seen. Tim Grady realized the need for theatrical video reels in 2012 when he was working a gig at Maltz Jupiter Theatre in Florida. As the guy with a Flip cam, he was constantly being asked by cast mates to record them singing so they could send clips to a New York audition they were missing. “I kept thinking while I was filming actors that there had to be a way professionally to put yourself together in a three-minute reel that shows off your acting, singing, dancing abilities and then present that to casting directors,” he says. So Grady founded Tim Grady Films—a professional reel-making service catering to musical theater performers. “The need for a theatrical reel is becoming as necessary as a headshot and résumé,” he says.

To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

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