Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Insightful Tips on Dealing with Self-Tape Audition

8 Tips For Self-Taping Your Auditions
With shorter production, tighter budgets, and more out-of-state shoots, a taped audition may become your first—and sometimes only—connection with casting directors, producers and directors. A self-taped audition may be submitted when you’re out of town, on-set, facing scheduling challenges (you have too many appointments!), or you’re a casting office favorite—but they haven’t seen you play this type of role. 

The turnaround time for your self-taped audition is quick, with just days to read the script, make your strong specific choices, tape, edit, and send it in. How do you make sure we see and hear you while showing your personality and sharing your best performance and–receive a call-back or booking? When my clients cannot get to my studio to tape and coach their auditions, they use this alternative.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

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