Friday, June 27, 2014

Something to Know Before Casting Your Film

L.A.-based filmmaker Noam Kroll has given Indiewire permission to publish this article from his website Kroll is writing from his personal experience casting without using a casting director. Indiewire acknowledges the crucial role of casting directors in the filmmaking process. Kroll's tips provide insight into the process for someone without professional casting experience. Check out Kroll's original blog post here, and his production company post-production house Creative Rebellion here.

Countless directors have said that casting is unequivocally the most important element in the filmmaking process. Many directors subscribe to the famous notion that 90% of directing is casting, as they recognize that a film that is cast well and according to the director’s vision will be far more realistic and authentic than one cast in any other way. Surprisingly though, many new directors don't place an emphasis on the casting process and simply see it as another pre-production task that just needs to get done. So for you budding directors out there, be sure to read this post all the way to the end as I'm going to walk through importance of choosing the right talent, and explain how your actors can and will completely change the dynamic of your final picture.

Read more 

To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

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