Sunday, March 24, 2013

Unique Casting for 'Ginger & Rosa'

Alice Englert (ROSA), Sally Potter (DIRECTOR), and Elle Fanning (GINGER).
In October 1962, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, 13-year-old Sally Potter saw this doomsday scenario - every night in her dreams.

"It's very interesting, those people who can directly remember the crisis," says the filmmaker, whose beautiful Ginger & Rosa - about two London teenagers, fast friends caught in a whirl of personal and political tumult - is set during that fateful fall, when the whole world looked as if it were going to go ka-boom. "When you did live through it and you did have nightmares, it was something real. It's not just a historical event. It felt very close."

The world, of course, did not go ka-boom. But Potter - who went on to acclaim with Orlando, her 1992 adaptation of the Virginia Woolf novel, starring Tilda Swinton - never forgot her dreams, or her dread.

In Ginger & Rosa, opening Friday at the Ritz Five, Elle Fanning plays a 16-year-old Londoner obsessed with nuclear apocalypse. As Ginger, Fanning - in an extraordinary performance - listens to the nightly newscasts, the brinkmanship between Moscow and Washington, the estimates of fatalities. Ginger joins ban-the-bomb marches. And she drifts apart from her best friend, Rosa (Alice Englert), at just the wrong moment, when she needs her most.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair.

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