Sunday, March 3, 2013

'Enemy Way' Gears for Casting as It Heads to Deming

Preparation for the feature film "Enemy Way," starring Forest Whitaker, is currently underway. The film will be shot in both the Deming and Albuquerque areas in April and May.

The production will cast hundreds of extras, featured extras and a few stand-ins from the local areas.
Extras needed include male and female, all ethnicities and all ages. Although, there will only be a minimum number of children hired for this project.

Some specific types include: Drivers with vehicles that are not red, white or black, fire fighters, police officers, prison guards, paramedics/EMT's, men with military experience, Mexican immigrants, pregnant Hispanic women (should be noticeably pregnant, but still able to work), parolees and gang types (rough looking), Border Patrol, restaurant and coffee shop customers, waiters/waitresses and bartenders with experience, Hispanic laborers, Mexican cumbia musicians, Hispanic latin dancers (salsa, cumbia, etc), upscale politician types with professional attire, hikers, mosque attendees and many other general extra roles.

Read more

To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair.

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