Friday, June 27, 2014

Something to Know Before Casting Your Film

L.A.-based filmmaker Noam Kroll has given Indiewire permission to publish this article from his website Kroll is writing from his personal experience casting without using a casting director. Indiewire acknowledges the crucial role of casting directors in the filmmaking process. Kroll's tips provide insight into the process for someone without professional casting experience. Check out Kroll's original blog post here, and his production company post-production house Creative Rebellion here.

Countless directors have said that casting is unequivocally the most important element in the filmmaking process. Many directors subscribe to the famous notion that 90% of directing is casting, as they recognize that a film that is cast well and according to the director’s vision will be far more realistic and authentic than one cast in any other way. Surprisingly though, many new directors don't place an emphasis on the casting process and simply see it as another pre-production task that just needs to get done. So for you budding directors out there, be sure to read this post all the way to the end as I'm going to walk through importance of choosing the right talent, and explain how your actors can and will completely change the dynamic of your final picture.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

Monday, June 9, 2014

Video Auditions for Game of Thrones Season 5

There are just two episodes of Game of Thrones season four remaining, so in only a few weeks we will begin preparing for the production of season 5 — which is set to start filming later this summer.
With filming of the next season just around the corner, casting is taking place and a tipster has sent us an audition video for season five. While we don’t know the authenticity of the video, the writing seems legitimate and it was interesting enough to pass along.

The audition if for the character of Obara Sand, the bastard daughter of Oberyn Martell.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Brilliant Casting in 'Edge of Tomorrow'

There are a few movies that Edge of Tomorrow obviously calls to mind. Groundhog Day is the big one, while the movie’s initial battle scene is reminiscent of Saving Private Ryan. The latter would be the more direct visual reference, almost remake rather than homage, but it’s really more than that. Within the plot, the battle is a literal redo of the Normandy landing, so it’s a double-layer repeat for a movie that’s already all about doing things over again. It definitely seems to be intentional, too, that Edge of Tomorrow opens in the U.S. on the 70th anniversary of D-Day.

Another movie relevant to the appreciation of Edge of Tomorrow is Aliens. Both have Bill Paxton and both have an extraterrestrial threat. The casting of the actor here has to be connected to his appearance in the Alien sequel, and he has even stated presumption of as much in interviews. Specifically, though, he tends to mention just the alien link and that he was desired so that he could say, “Game over, Man!” Yet his character never does say that. He doesn’t need to, because there’s enough recall here to have the audience thinking of the line, so long as they’re familiar with the earlier movie and are consciously aware that they’re watching something mimicking video game play.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair