Monday, January 27, 2014

Bright Eyes Go for Coen Brothers Audition

Conor Oberst has revealed that he auditioned for the lead role in Inside Llewyn Davis. Although the Coen Brothers eventually cast actor Oscar Isaac as the film's titular folk singer, Oberst was apparently one of several professional musicians the directors considered for the part.

"I know I told you this when we met, but I tried out for your role in Inside Llewyn Davis," Oberst told Isaac as part of an article for Interview magazine. "Thank god for everyone that I didn't get it."

According to an earlier article with the Wall Street Journal, Joel and Ethan Coen initially hoped to cast "a musician who could act" as the singer Llewyn Davis. "They auditioned a lot of musicians and actors for this part," Oberst confirmed, "to the point where I heard the Coen Brothers and [music supervisor] T Bone Burnett say that they had more or less given up on the idea of finding someone. And then you appeared."

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