Thursday, August 22, 2013

Casting Call on Faulkner Film with Actor James Franco

African-American residents of Mississippi have a chance this weekend to win speaking parts in a new William Faulkner film that filmmakers plan to shoot in Mississippi.

A casting call will be held Saturday, Aug. 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Canton at The Corner House at 252 E. Peace Street.

The company Morgan Casting will be trying to fill several roles for African-Americans in the upcoming James Franco project "The Sound and the Fury" that is set to shoot in Central Mississippi based on the Faulkner book.

Organizers say this is not a general call for background players or extras, but for the following specific speaking parts only. The company is only seeking African-American actors for these specific roles:

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

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