Monday, June 17, 2013

'Godzilla' Casting Comes to Life

It could be a star-studded summer for Hawaii. Rumors are swirling about big Hollywood movies gearing up for production in the islands.

One Hollywood production can mean work for hundreds of local companies and they should be ready for an extremely busy summer.

For more than a century, City Mill has been serving local residents, but in the last decade, they’ve been assisting a different type of customer.

“The fellows that did ‘Pearl Harbor,’ ‘Windtalkers,’ ‘Tears of the Sun,’ ‘Pirates of the Caribbean,’” City Mill store manager Vicki Lebowitz said.

When television shows and movies film in Hawaii, local companies, like City Mill, reap the benefits. For a local company, a major motion picture can bring in revenue in the six-figure range.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

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