Sunday, December 30, 2012

Art of Glass Recycling

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Stephanie Matthews shakes her head when she thinks of the expensive art institute she attended after high school.

"If I known I would be as happy and sell as much playing with trash right out of high school, think of the money my parents would have saved," said the Dunbar resident.

The "trash" Matthews refers to is the glass bottles she repurposes into glassware.

"It thrills me to take an old ugly bottle and make something that's pretty," she said.

Even more appealing is that the item is usually something functional -- tumblers, candleholders, light fixtures, clocks, napkin ring holders, trays and vases.

"I had about 175 items on my Etsy site at one time. This time last year, four or five packages a day were going out the door," she said.

In August, Matthews, 46, moved from Florida back to West Virginia after nearly 25 years away. She moved in with father, Steve Matthews, and converted a three-bay garage behind his Myers Avenue house into her studio.

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To learn more about an amazing fine art exhibition, please visit Love Unlimited Film Festival and Art Exhibition.

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