Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Children's Film Audition at Montgomery School

If you're a parent looking for an opportunity for your child to hit the big screen, you'll have a chance Tuesday afternoon in Montgomery.

A casting call is being held for an upcoming film and the film company will be at James W. Wilson, Junior Elementary School from 4-6 p.m.

Auditions are for the film "The Waiting Place" which will be shot, in part, in Montgomery.

The casting call is for children between the ages of 5 and 9 of any ethnicity or gender.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What to Avoid in Star Wars Audition

Open auditions are to be held for the new Star Wars film. While the 17-23 age range rules out most fans of the original trilogy, here are some things younger Star Wars aficionados should avoid if they want to be rocking it in a galaxy far, far away.

7. There’s a time and a place for Star Wars jokes. And it’s probably not when you are trying to make yourself look ‘beautiful and smart’.

6. ‘You know what guys; a banana slapping itself in the face would improve this movie,’ is something you don’t want to find yourself saying.

5. Trying to fill any gaps in conversation or justifying your actions through a narrow-minded understanding of democracy is just silly.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

Monday, November 11, 2013

Star Wars VII Casting Online

Actors who missed the opportunity to audition for Star Wars: Episode VII are getting a second chance in the U.K., according to the BBC. Hopefuls may now try out online for two roles, detailed below, by visiting Cast It Talent's website.

That site also details a string of U.S. meet-and-greets with casting director Maryellen Aviano, who has cast extras for films including Man of Steel, The Hangover Part III and Django Unchained. Those began last week and are continuing through the end of the month with stops in Chicago, Troy, Michigan, Austin and Nashville. The first of those sessions last week saw 1,000 people show up in St. Louis.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Early Casting Speculation for Steven Spielberg's Next Film

DreamWorks announced Wednesday that "Lincoln" alum Steven Spielberg, the film's director, and Doris Kearns Goodwin, the historian who wrote the book on which the film was based, would be teaming up again for a movie about President Theodore Roosevelt and President William Howard Taft.

It will be based on Goodwin's latest book, "The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism," which hits book stands Tuesday and is said to be about who the friendship between Roosevelt and Taft that turned into a rivalry, as well as the muckraking journalism that shaped the Progressive Era. Spielberg spent years working on "Lincoln" so it may be a while before the film comes to fruition. Nevertheless, it's never too early to start speculating on the casting.

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair

Friday, November 1, 2013

'Master Chef' Open for Casting

“MasterChef,” the Gordon Ramsay cooking competition hit on Fox, will hold an open casting call in Denver for season 5.

Auditions will be held Nov. 2, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at Crowne Plaza Downtown, 1450 Glenarm Place. Denver is one of 10 cities holding auditions for talented home cooks. You’ll have three minutes to plate your dish, which must be prepared beforehand (no cooking at the audition). The casting folks see hundreds of contenders per day.

For application, audition guidelines and rules, check The ratings-rich series has a list of requirements worth noting before you sharpen your knives:

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To learn more about casting calls please visit the International Truffles Casting Fair